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Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown

'Parent Governors' Election Pack'

6th Jun 2024

Nomination of Parent Representatives to the

Board of Governors for the Term of Office 2024 - 2028

Dear Parent

You are invited to attend a meeting of parents of pupils who currently attend the above school, to be held in the hall at 7.00pm on Thursday 27th June 2024. Please note the relevant legislation makes it clear that the term ‘parent’ includes a guardian and every other person who has actual custody of a child. Please complete the enclosed reply slip to indicate if you will/will not be attending the meeting (Appendix C).

The purpose of the meeting is to elect parent representatives to the Board of Governors of Cookstown Primary School for the term of office 2024-2028. The Board of Governors is an important body responsible for various aspects of the management of the school. Please find attached an information leaflet on the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Governors (Appendix D).

The following points should be noted:

1. Both parents of each pupil attending the school are entitled to be present and to vote at the meeting;

2. Each parent is entitled to one vote only in respect of each parent governor vacancy;

3. The current Board of Governors has appointed me to act as clerk of the election and chair at the meeting. A report of the proceedings will be forwarded to the appropriate Education Authority office;

4. Should you wish to nominate a person(s) as parent representative(s), please use the Candidate Nomination Form (Appendix A) provided with this invitation. After obtaining a seconder (who must be a parent of a child at the school) and the agreement of the candidate (along with their personal statement included in Appendix B) you should return the forms to me not later than 3:00pm on Wednesday 19th June 2024.

5. The Parent Governors’ Election Pack can also be requested from the school office or accessed via the school website (

6. Please note, in accordance with the Scheme for the Management of Controlled Schools:

a person, other than the principal or a teacher elected in accordance with the relevant provisions of Schedule 4 to the 1986 Order, who is employed for gain solely in the school for the purposes of the school or, for the purposes of non-school activities shall not be a member of the Board of Governors of the school.


I would encourage all parents to play an active part in school life and hope you will be able to attend this important meeting.


Yours faithfully


Mr Paul Mitchell

Clerk of the Election

6th Jun 2024
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6th Jun 2024
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6th Jun 2024
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