Green Flag Award

We are so pleased to have achieved our Green flag for 2023 from Eco Schools in recognition of eco work completed by Cookstown Primary School. We have had a very busy eco team working behind the scenes, doing litter picks, checking if water taps and lights are switched off, encouraging healthy eating by presenting powerpoints during assembly time, making posters and carrying out surveys.
We were presented with our Green flag during a special awards ceremony held in Dungannon on Friday 9th June. Abbie, Amber and Bella collected the award on behalf of the school.
A big thank you to parents who were involved in answering surveys. And a massive big thank you to the Eco team and Eco monitors within each year group who made this achievement possible. Well done everyone.
Cookstown Primary School, Coolnafranky Demesne, 20 Molesworth, Cookstown, BT80 8PF | Phone: 028 8676 2622