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Cookstown Primary School, Cookstown

A Heartfelt ‘Thank You’ from Maud Kells!

A Heartfelt ‘Thank You’ from Maud Kells!

Dear Parents and Pupils,

The missionary Maud Kells was very genuinely touched when we presented her with your very kind donations - the grand total was an amazing £200! Maud tells us she is going to send some of the money to the primary school in Mulita to buy books and biros, some money to the Sunday School, also in Mulita, the rest of the money will be used to pay for medical treatment as many children get malaria and their parents have no money to help them.

Thank you all for supporting Maud so generously.

In Maud’s words, ‘ I pray that God will bless and reward each one of you according to Malachi 3 verse 10’.